Historical Rapier Fencing (HEMA)

Whether you have some fencing experience or are brand new to the sport, our Historical Rapier program will teach you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the age old art of sword fighting.

Each class is 2hrs long and consist of a warm up, footwork drills, bladework drills, a group lesson, and plenty of open bouting time.

Our primary focus is to reinterpret the historical tradition with an emphasis on application. What good is studying the books if you don’t put it to use! Towards the end of each class we host formal duels where fencers will try to defend their honour and hold their rank amongst their peers.

Whether you’re into the role-play elements of historical fencing, are a history nerd, or simply want to be the best swordsman in the world - we invite you to join our rapier class!

All equipment is provided however this particular class has limited spaces due to weapon availability.

Need more info? Check out our FAQ or email us at info@westendswords.com!


  • Intro: Sundays 6-7pm

  • Experienced: Sundays 7-9pm