Recreational Fencing

Our Recreational Fencing programs are perfect for fencers of all ages. We offer youth programs (ages 9-15) and adult programs (ages 16+) all year long!

Returning participants will continue to develop their skills and knowledge through group lessons, open fencing, and private lessons.

Each class consist of a warm up, footwork/blade-work drills, group lesson, and open fencing time. All equipment is provided!

After completing the intro program, all participants must register for a recreational fencing membership with the Ontario Fencing Association.

Need more info? Check out our FAQ or email us at!


  • Youth Rec: Tuesdays 6-8pm, Fridays 7-9pm, Saturdays 1-3pm

  • Adult Rec: Tuesdays 8-10pm, Wednesdays 8-10pm, Saturdays 1-5pm